Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fall of Aztec Empire

These are some reasons the Aztec Empire fell.One reason was the set up of the city.Also because they let the Spanish in because they thought they where gods.

I think the city design of Los Angeles is fine in some spots but is bad  in others.For example traffic.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Aztec Prison Labor

The Aztecs were very serious about there religion.I say this because they did 10,000 sacrifices a year.They did this to give to there god that was thought of as rising and setting the sun.They did this on a temple that was 197 feet.After doing all of the sacrifice on this temple it stained the temple with the color of blood.They only sacrificed slaves.

I disagree with the fact that the sacrificed people to pay back what they missed.I think they should have made them work off what they did not pay.Instead of sacrificing them.